Homework Week 01 Best Year Yet Goals
A goal properly set is halfway reached.
- Zig Ziglar
- Download the Best Year Yet Goal Setting and Best Year Yet Goals
- Go through all the questions in the Goal Setting worksheet
- Complete it as fully as possible. This should take 3 - 4 hours to properly do it
- Be fully honest. No one is going to see this, it is for your eyes only
- Once you have fully completed the Goal Setting worksheet, complete the Best Year Yet Goals sheet
- Watch this great TED Talk about goal setting: Why the secret to success is setting the right goals
- Email your completed Goals sheet to Tammy at tammy@ksabusiness.ca
- Book an appointment with Tammy to discuss and fine tune your goals
- Participate in the group call and ask questions

This is the best goal setting book I have ever come across. I do this whole process myself every year in between Christmas and New Years to keep me moving forward.