Homework Week 03 Time and Activity Quadrants
Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
- Make sure your Best Year Yet goals are printed and placed somewhere you can see them regularly.
- Get into the super positive habit of completing your Weekly Success Planner. Plans need to be emailed to Tammy by noon each Monday.
- You want to be spending as much time as possible on your 20% / Quadrant II activities. These are the actions that move your life and your business forward, but need to be acted on by you. Outside forces will not make you do them.
- When you are doing your Weekly Success Planner ask yourself what are your 20% / Quadrant II activities for this week. This keeps you focused on being effective, not just efficient.
- I suggest that you print your Weekly Success Planners and keep them in a binder, note book, or file. This allows you to see your progress and will help you complete your Quarterly and Annual Reviews.
- Figure out what are your Quadrant II activities for this quarter as they can change and evolve as you and your business progresses.
- Put your current activities into their correct quadrants. Where are you losing time in wasteful activities?
- Participate in the group call and ask questions.
This is one of the foundational books for personal and business success. Habit 3, Putting First Things First, is all about Quadrant II activities.