Homework Week 05 Clean Ups, Completions, Deletions, and Tolerations
But when we really delve into the reasons for why we can't let something go, there are only two: an attachment to the past or fear for the future.
- Marie Kondo
- Print out the KSA Cleanups, Completions, and Deletions sheet
- Complete the Clean Up List. Keep it to a maximum of five items per box. We want to get stuff done, not feel overwhelmed.
- Continue making new lists as you complete the current sheet. This is a lifetime habit.
- Carve out time in your week schedule to be working on your KSA Clean Up List. 15 minutes a day is ideal. You can accomplish a lot in that time, and you can almost always find the time each day.
- The best time to tidy up at work is typically at the end of the day just before you shut down for the evening.
- Clean ups are a physical mess. Filing, organizing, shredding, etc.
- Completions are finishing things that you have started, but haven't finished. Filing the paperwork, sending a thank you card, sending it to the printer, hitting send on the marketing email, etc.
- Deletions are getting rid of crap. Unnecessary paperwork / articles / doodads, old magazines, broken crap, stuff that is outdated / no longer works, etc.
- Tolerations are things in your life that you put up with, but irritate you. A shirt that needs a repair, scissors that don't cut right, clients that drain you, a chair that isn't comfortable, etc.
- Incomplete communications are people that we need to clear things up with or just build the relationship with. A friend that you haven't spoken to in a long time because you are busy, a Center of Influence that you need to connect with, etc.
- Participate in the group call and ask questions.