Homework Week 25 Marketing Schedule and System
A year from now, you'll wish you had started today.
- Karen Lamb
- Start small. You can add things as you get better and have your systems fine tuned
- Pull out your calendar and look at it. Where do you have time to create and follow through with a marketing initiative
- Plan your marketing in advance of opportunities so you are not showing up late to the party
- Do you typically have slower times in your business? This is a great time to be scheduling marketing activities
- Remember the time it takes to get ready for marketing and to follow up. It isn't just about the event
- Put it into your calendar, INCLUDING set up and follow up
- Create checklists for your events to make sure you have what you need
- Always do an autopsy after every marketing moment. What worked, what didn't, and what do you want to try next time?
- Participate in the call and ask questions