Homework Week 40 Organizational Chart
The achievements of an organization are the results of the combined effort of each individual.
- Vince Lombardi
- Even if you are a Solopreneur you need to have an organizational chart
- Think about how your ideal company (vision, size, etc) will need to run
- Think in terms of the jobs and job descriptions
- This allows you to hire or outsource to allow your business to grow
- To be successful you need to have the right people in the right seats on your bus
- An Org Chart is not about hierarchy, it is about how your company works. It allows you to see the big picture skills that are needed to make everything flow
- It helps you hire for the needed jobs, the right cultural fit, and for proper flow rather than just hiring a body
- It allows people to see how they fit into the vision of the company, what you are doing to make the world a better place, and how important their contribution is to the company
- Participate in the call and ask questions
This is the Business Bible. Chapter 14 Your Organizational Strategy is all about setting up your own Organizational Chart for your business.